Falling Through Time by Deborah Dickey

Falling Through Time by Deborah Dickey

Author:Deborah Dickey
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: romance, love story, historical, time travel
Publisher: Evernight

The next evening, Sir Winstanley and Meg, accompanied by Lady Dorothy and Sir Shrewsbury, attended a masque after supper in the Dining Hall.

“The Faerie Queene! Oh, what a wonderful treat!” Meg cried, excitedly. James was aware of her enthusiasm and smiled at her with a trace of amusement in his eyes.

“I’ve already seen Edmund Spenser’s masque, but to see it enacted before my eyes upon the stage is beyond my wildest dreams!” James saw the eagerness in her eyes and smiled inwardly. He suddenly frowned as he thought that he had come to see Meg as a woman of the sixteenth century when she was certainly not. He was aware of his deep reluctance to think about her going back to her own time. His mind was tormented with thoughts of her not being with him. His brow creased as he thought about how lonely he would be without her. He was fooling himself if he thought she did not attract and enchant him. If she was going back to the twenty-first century, he had better learn to curb his passionate desires. But the truth was, he knew he could not hide from it any longer—he was falling in love with her…


Meg knew that a masque was a pleasant and entertaining story in verse with mythological and moral characters. There was dialogue, but far more significant were the tableaux, music, the ballet, the elaborate costumes and scenery, surprises, and mechanical stage effects. The actors were members of the aristocracy, sometimes members of the Royal family. They wore masks and spent huge sums of money upon their costumes which were lavish, representing Greek gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus, faeries, and mythical creatures. Nobles lent their Halls and treasures of art to enrich the scenes. Little was required of them as actors but to look beautiful and stately. Importance was also given to singing and instrumental music. Meg found that it was a delight to the eyes and ears. The blaze of color and light, changing scenes and tableaux crowded with wonderful and beautiful figures captivated her. Every kind of musical instrument charmed her ear. Her senses were delighted by the dance and motion. As Meg recollected, The Faerie Queene, also known as Gloriana, was the focus of the masque. Her castle was the ultimate destination of most of the masque’s characters. Obviously, Spenser chose her to represent Queen Elizabeth.


Sir James was aware that sitting next to Lady Meg was pure torture. He breathed in the rose scented soap she had used to bathe in. Every time she brushed against him it sent his blood roaring through his veins. He looked at her exquisite face and sensual mouth, wanting to trail a line of kisses down her cheek to her shoulder. He sucked in his breath sharply and turned aside. Meg’s proximity was causing a sexual response that was as powerful as it was unexpected. He tried to sit quietly, completely still, willing his arousal to subside. James almost groaned. He


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